Monday, February 15, 2010

Canoe ride to Back Bay!

This morning we went out and explored the Walsh's land and decided to take their canoe and paddle out to Back Bay.  It warmed up to about 50º today - which felt wonderful.  We got pretty brave and decided to not only take my new camera but Nash as well.  The camera was in ziploc bag in a water-tight compartment (should nash flip us over) so we didn't get to photograph all the beautiful scenery and birds (ducks, cranes, herons, cardinals, etc)  but we did get some great shots!  I loved it, as did Sean and nash seemed to really enjoy being out on the water, AND he didn't succeed in flipping it over - though he did try - especially when ducks would swim by (or when we would row by decoys (nash can't tell the difference)). 

During the first leg of our trip the canoe was an ice breaker --  there was a thin layer of ice covering the surface.   we broke the ice and got to a fork -- we remembered we had been instructed as to which way we should paddle in order to get out to Back Bay but at the fork we couldn't recall which way that was.... we chose right and right was wrong.  only wrong in the sense that it didn't lead us to the bay - but it did lead us on a wonderful maze of marshes and under a bridge that we had to duck to pass.  after about 45 minutes with the inlets getting smaller with stronger ice we decided we were going the wrong way (well, i decided we were going the wrong way, sean didn't believe me...)

So we turned around and made our way back and got out to the bay.  it was a really wonderful trip - i've never canoed that much before! it was awesome and so relaxing with the sun on our skin.  should every day start with a little canoe ride? probably.  here are some photos!

 cyrpess trees! 
sean and nash, rowing and looking for ducks 

more cypress trees.  if you look closely at the water you can see the ice.
"we've made it back bay! let's go this way!"

isn't my life jacket awesome?

i think nash may have had enough canoe ...

1 comment:

  1. ok i'm already super jealous and missing you guys. i love the start to your adventure!
